Configuring Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch can be configured in the compose file, via environment variables (reference guide):

Environment Variable Purpose Value A node can only join a cluster when it shares its with all the other nodes in the cluster "deeplog"
bootstrap.memory_lock It is vitally important to the health of a node that none of the JVM is ever swapped out to disk "true" (swapping is disabled)
discovery.type Set the discovery module for Elasticsearch "zen" (builtin discovery module) List of address of other nodes in the cluster "elasticsearch" (Docker's DNS resolves to Elasticsearch containers; load balancing makes sure that all containers are discovered)
discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes Minimum number of master-eligible nodes that must be visible in order to form a cluster 2

Local Gateway (reference guide):

Environment Variable Purpose Value
gateway.expected_nodes The number of (data or master) nodes that are expected to be in the cluster 3
gateway.recover_after_nodes Recover as long as this many data or master nodes have joined the cluster 2

X-Pack (reference guide):

Environment Variable Purpose Value Enable X-Pack security "false"
xpack.monitoring.enabled Enable X-Pack monitoring "false" Enable X-Pack machine learning "false"
xpack.graph.enabled Enable X-Pack graph "false"
xpack.watcher.enabled Enable X-Pack watcher "false"

N.B.: X-Pack can be used only by purchasing a license. By default, all its components are disabled.

Configuring Kibana

Kibana can be configured in the compose file, via environment variables (see Kibana settings and Docker environment variables):

Environment Variable Purpose Value
SERVER_NAME A human-readable display name that identifies this Kibana instance "kibana"
SERVER_HOST This setting specifies the host of the back end server ""
ELASTICSEARCH_URL The URL of the Elasticsearch instance to use for all your queries "http://elasticsearch:9200"
XPACK_SECURITY_ENABLED Enable X-Pack security "false"
XPACK_MONITORING_ENABLED Enable X-Pack security "false"
XPACK_ML_ENABLED Enable X-Pack machine learning "false"
XPACK_GRAPH_ENABLED Enable X-Pack graph "false"
XPACK_REPORTING_ENABLED Enable X-Pack watcher "false"