Configuring the Monasca Log API

The Monasca Log API (docker image here) runs on top of a gunicorn server. Settings can be tuned via environment variables and deployment options in the compose file (look up the service named 'monasca-log-api').

Enviroment variables

Setting Description Value
CONFIG_TEMPLATE use Jinja2 configuration template * true
LOG_LEVEL_ROOT the level of the root logger INFO
LOG_LEVEL_CONSOLE minimum level for console output INFO
KAFKA_URI the host and port for kafka kafka:9092
KAFKA_WAIT_FOR_TOPICS topics to wait on at startup monasca-log,logstash-log
KAFKA_WAIT_RETRIES number of kafka wait attempts 24
KAFKA_WAIT_DELAY seconds to wait between attempts 5
KEYSTONE_IDENTITY_URI keystone identity address http://keystone:35357
KEYSTONE_AUTH_URI keystone auth address http://keystone:5000
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_USER keystone admin account user admin
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PASSWORD keystone admin account password secretadmin
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_TENANT keystone admin account tenant admin
KEYSTONE_ADMIN_DOMAIN keystone admin domain default
AUTHORIZED_ROLES roles for admin users monasca-log-api
AGENT_AUTHORIZED_ROLES roles for metric write only users monasca-log-agent
GUNICORN_WORKERS number of API worker processes 9
GUNICORN_WORKER_CLASS async worker class gevent
GUNICORN_WORKER_CONNECTIONS number of connections for async worker 2000
GUNICORN_BACKLOG gunicorn backlog size 1000
GUNICORN_TIMEOUT gunicorn timeout 1000
MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE maximum size of log message in bytes 1000012
LOG_PUBLISHER_TOPIC kafka topic to which logs are published monasca-log
KAFKA_HEALTH_TOPIC kafka healthcheck topic kafka-health
REGION region of the service switzerland

* If jinja2 formatting is not desired, the environment variable CONFIG_TEMPLATE can be set to false. Note that the jinja2 template should still be overwritten (rather than the target file without the .j2 suffix) as it will be copied at runtime (see

Deployment options

Setting Description Value
labels: traefik.port The port the service listens to. Must match MONASCA_CONTAINER_LOG_API_PORT 8090
restart_policy: condition The restart policy in case of service failure on-failure

Authenticating to Keystone

Authentication can be done to either the local (development/test) or the central Keystone (recommended).

For local authentication, refer to the above table and to keystone/preload.yml. For authentication to the central Keystone, please contact the FIWARE Lab administrators.