Quick Start

Installing and running the Deep Log Inspection system requires git and Docker Engine in Swarm mode:

  1. Set up the Docker Swarm cluster where services will be deployed
  2. On the cluster's manager node, download the project by cloning the git repository:

    git clone https://github.com/martel-innovate/deep-log-inspection.git
  3. On all nodes in the cluster, set user limits in Docker configuration file. For more details, refer to the Docker configuration section

  4. On the manager node, create the overlay network where the services will be deployed, and the storage volumes for Elasticsearch data and logs:

    docker network create -d overlay backend
    docker volume create esdata
    docker volume create eslogs
  5. Let deeplog be the name of the stack where we deploy all services to, then:

    docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml deeplog

The compose file can be found here.

Services and DNS

The system is meant to be deployed on a multi-node cluster, in which the master node is accessible with three valid names. Let example.com be the main name and elastic.example.com and kibana.example.com two alternative names (in this page and throughout the full guide). Then, the following services should be exposed on the master node:

  • monasca-log-api at example.com
  • elasticsearch at elastic.example.com
  • kibana at kibana.example.com
  • traefik dashboard at example.com:8080

Optionally (for development/test):

  • keystone at example.com on ports 5000 and 35357

To bring keystone up along with the other services, deploy it to the same stack:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-keystone.yml deeplog

The compose file for keystone can be found here.

System is up

Once the system is up and running, you can check its status either by visiting Kibana or by querying Elasticsearch's Health API:

curl https://elastic.example.com/_cluster/health

To visualize information about the running services, including name and ports:

docker service ls

You also can apply later changes to a service, e.g.:

docker service update deeplog_elasticsearch

or reload all services by redeploying the system, just like the first time:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml deeplog

To completely clean the environment:

docker stack rm deeplog

For the full CLI reference, please refer to the Docker CLI reference guide.